April 27, 2022 11:00

Communications Commission will update the National Plan for Radio Frequency Distribution

To provide consumers with innovative service and implement modern radio frequency systems in the country, the Communications Commission will update the “National Plan for Radio Frequency Distribution.” This will enable implementation of modern electronic communication services, as well as effective use and management of the finite resources.

The Commission prepared the amendments to the National Plan on the basis of the final acts approved at the ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19), as well as the decisions of the Conference of European Postal & Telecommunications (CEPT) and the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC). These amendments are primarily based on recommendations of the European Commission.

The updated National Plan contains information about the development of new technologies, including 5G networks. The plan allocates an additional new frequency for Wi-Fi operations, identifies the ranges for specific satellite services, and specifies the technological standards and service types.

Draft changes to the “National Plan for Radio Frequency Distribution” have been published on the Communications Commission website for public consultation and improvement purposes. Stakeholders have until 20 May 2022 to submit their comments and opinions. The Commission will then proceed to approve the updated National Plan.


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