July 03, 2023 14:24

From Startup Ideas to Businesses: ComCom Media Lab Holds a Discussion at the Digital Transformation Forum

The Communications Commission hosted its third meeting at the Digital Transformation Forum, organised with the support of the Georgian ICT Cluster, the USAID Economic Security Programme and other donor organisations. The main topics discussed during the meeting included the activities of the Media Lab and the various stages of establishing startup businesses. The forum serves to develop digital capabilities in Georgia. 

Head of the Media Lab Rusudan Chachanidze opened the session by introducing the activities of the Media Lab, highlighting its functions and noting that the lab works both on startup acceleration and the development of the startup ecosystem. 

Afterwards, Rusudan Chachanidze led a panel discussion which also involved the tech entrepreneur Davit Chechelashvili, Executive Director for Business Development at Data Analysis Laboratory, Nato Chakvetadze, co-founder of StoriAI Sandro Okropiridze, as well as the head of Iliauni’s Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Centre, Avtandil Mghebrishvili, and investor Giorgi Arveladze. 

The discussion was devoted to the various stages of the process of turning a startup idea into a real business, during which the startups have to cooperate with various auxiliary organisations of the ecosystem and use their services. Such organisations include university labs, accelerators, as well as incubators and funding sources. Representatives of these organisations took part in the discussion about the challenges and development opportunities encountered by startups on the road to success. 

The Media Lab is a space created for digital media startups. For more than four years, it has been working to support startups and startup ideas, and to create diverse opportunities in this field.



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