January 27, 2023 15:20

Kakha Bekauri Elected as ComCom Chairman for the Third Time

Members of the Communications Commission elected Kakha Bekauri as Chairman for the third time on January 26, 2023. Mr. Bekauri’s third term will run until 2026. According to the legislation in force, the elections were held by secret ballot. Members of the Commission unanimously supported Mr. Bekauri’s candidacy and approved the results of the vote on the same day.

Kakha Bekauri has headed the Communications Commission since 2017. He was first elected as member of the Commission by the Parliament in 2014, and the second time in 2019.

Kakha Bekauri studied Cybernetics and Applied Maths at the Tbilisi State University in 1986-1992. Prior to joining ComCom, he held leading positions at various TV companies. Previously, he worked in the education sector, lecturing on management at ESM Tbilisi.


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