September 25, 2023 18:54

OFCOM: ComCom’s Innovative Media Literacy Approaches are Impressive

Member of the Communications Commission Natia Kukuladze, Head of the Media Development Department Mariam Dakhundaridze and Head of International Relations Nino Grdzelishvili met their British colleagues from the Office of Communications (OFCOM). The working visit was aimed at deepening cooperation with OFCOM and sharing experience in media literacy. Issues discussed during the meeting included the development of media literacy strategy, implementation of research and coordination among the organisations working in the field of media literacy. 

As part of the visit, ComCom representatives were invited by OFCOM to take part in the working meeting of the UK regulator and summarise the activities and projects implemented by the Communications Commission. According to OFCOM, the efforts of the Communications Commission in the field of media literacy development are one of the best examples of international experience, while the Commission’s achievements in Notably, around 15 organisations operating in the field of media literacy in the UK took part in the workshop. 

ComCom representatives also held meetings with the head of the Media Literacy Policy Department of the UK Ministry of Digital Affairs, Media, Culture and Sport, the producer of media literacy projects and initiatives at the BBC, and the Head of Media Literacy at The Guardian Foundation. Along with sharing experience during the meetings, the issue of future cooperation with the aforementioned organisations was also discussed. 

Sharing international practice and experience remains one of the main priorities for the Communications Commission.


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