September 14, 2022 15:47

"The Telecom Sector has a Key Role in Realising Georgia’s Digital Potential and Creating Inter-Regional Digital Corridors" – Ekaterine Imedadze

Communications Commission member Ekaterine Imadedze gave a speech at the International Digital Connectivity Summit, where she highlighted the advantages of developing digital capabilities and establishing a digital hub in Georgia. During the summit, an extensive panel was dedicated to the issue of development and realisation of digital capabilities. The panel was chaired by ComCom member Ekaterine Imadedze. Guest experts and local operators took part in the session. 

“I am glad that our country is hosting the International Digital Connectivity Summit, which is dedicated to the development of interregional connectivity and digital service corridors. One behalf of the Communications Commission, which is one of the organisers of this event, I would like to comment on the topicality of this issue. I am sure you will agree that the telecom sector has a key role in helping develop the digital economy, realise Georgia’s digital potential and create interregional digital corridors. As you know, digital services are dependent on telecom infrastructure. The Commission, as the supervisory body of the telecom sector, prioritises the issue of opening the telecom market – enabling access to infrastructure, establishing a framework for sharing infrastructure and realising Georgia’s geopolitical advantages by creating a flexible and harmonised regulatory environment to encourage investment in the digital economy. We also aim to closely cooperate with regulatory and other leading organisations in the field to raise knowledge and increase the potential of the sector. In these areas, the role of the Communications Commission is also important in terms of promoting digital literacy in the country, and that is also something that we prioritise,” Ekaterine Imedadze stated during her speech at the summit. 

During her speech, Ekaterine Imedadze talked about the role of the telecom sector and the Communications Commission as the industry expert and supervisor in realising the economic potential of the South Caucasus digital corridors and forming a digital service supply hub in the region. 

“As you know, the promotion of such international projects, together with the development of physical telecom infrastructure and digital skills, also implies the creation of a legal and regulatory environment. In this regard, we believe that together with the physical infrastructure, we have quite a broad experience in developing a harmonised regulatory framework, which we can use to help us implement this initiative in the region. Georgia has the potential to become a regional digital hub in South Caucasus. This can be achieved through the country’s geopolitical potential, as well as the existing telecom infrastructure and a harmonised legal and regulatory framework,” Ekaterine Imedadze stated.


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