November 18, 2021 17:45

TV Pirveli, Mtavari TV and Formula violate the political advertising regulations

The Communications Commission has issued a record of administrative offence against TV Pirveli, Mtavari TV and Formula for airing political advertising in violation of the legislation. In the period of October 27-29, the aforementioned broadcasters aired a paid political advert of the United National Movement, which featured the leaders of UNM, Lelo, European Georgia, Girchi – More Freedom and Droa. 

The aforementioned political advert was commissioned for TV Pirveli by Lelo, thereby violating the Election Code, which forbids electoral subjects from placing advertising that supports the election campaign of another electoral subject. Furthermore, adverts commissioned by electoral subjects may not feature any advertising elements that serve to encourage viewers to vote for other electoral subjects, including the depiction of their representatives, emblems or sequence numbers assigned to them during elections. 

TV Pirveli, Mtavari TV and Formula aired the political advert without sign language translation and without identifying the electoral subject or their sequence number. According to the Election Code of Georgia, political/pre-election adverts must be accompanied by sign language translation. Additionally, the sum of the single contours of the letters denoting the name of the electoral subject and the single contours of the digits denoting his/her serial number shall occupy not less than 10% of the picture area. 

Based on the aforementioned violations, the Communications Commission issued a record of administrative offence against all three broadcasters and submitted it to the court.


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