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14, 2019

Service for Magtifix Customers will resume on 17 June

June 14, 2019 19:26

The Communications Commission has extended Magticom’s CDMA license by 10 years. Consequently, unrestricted service will resume for Magtifix customers on 17 June. More than 100,000 Magtifix subscribers will once again be able to enjoy uninterrupted communication services. To protect public interests and ensure uninterrupted provision of telephone communication services, the Commission offered Magticom favourable terms. The company’s CDMA license was extended with special conditions....

14, 2019

News Formats and Marketing on the Radio – Media Academy Workshop for Radio Journalists

June 14, 2019 11:27

The Media Academy of the Communications Commission held a two-day workshop for radio journalists on the subject of news formats and marketing on the radio. Eleven journalists from Georgian radio broadcasters took part in the training. The first part of the workshop was devoted to radio reporting, news and radio programme production, while the second part dealt with the concept of radio, strategy and marketing. What is modern radio, have the storytelling techniques changed, how are radio...

13, 2019

Communications Commission invites Partners to discuss Hate Speech

June 13, 2019 12:28

The Communications Commission has invited international partners to a working meeting dealing with draft changes to the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting concerning hate speech, war propaganda and harmful influence on underage persons. In accordance with the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, Georgia is committed to bringing its legislation in line with the 2010/13/EU Directive on Audiovisual Media Services. As part of the Association Agreement, Georgia must adopt changes to the Law on Broadcasting...

12, 2019

Communications Commission and Media Academy host the German Regulatory Commission (BLM)

June 12, 2019 14:30

To further enhance effectiveness of the Media Academy’s activities, the Communications Commission invited the President of the Bavarian Regulatory Commission (BLM) Siegfried Schneider and other BLM representatives for a four-day visit to Georgia. The Communications Commission has worked closely with BLM to develop media literacy in Georgia. For the past year, the Media Academy has also been using the BLM model of organising seminars and workshops for journalists, focussing on multimedia...

11, 2019

Communications Commission calls on Magticom to ensure that Magtifix Subscribers are not left without Service

June 11, 2019 16:32

The Communications Commission has issued a statement regarding the expiry of Magticom’s CDMA license on 17 June. After the expiry of the license, the company will no longer be able to provide customers with the Magtifix service. Over the last two months, the Commission has acted in the best interests of the subscribers by offering the company numerous concessions and various solutions for extending the license. However, Magticom has so far rejected all proposals presented by the...

05, 2019

Communications Commission publishes Media Monitoring Report for the Midterm Election Period

June 05, 2019 16:41

The Communications Commission has published the second media monitoring report for the 2019 midterm parliamentary elections, midterm Assembly elections and extraordinary elections of mayors of municipalities, covering the period between 31 March and 19 May 2019. 21 broadcasting channels and radio broadcasters were monitored during the reporting period. During the monitoring process, the Commission election advertising, election debates, news and political programmes, as well as public opinion...

05, 2019

Communications Commission publishes Media Monitoring Report for the Midterm Election Period

June 05, 2019 16:37

The Communications Commission has published the second media monitoring report for the 2019 midterm parliamentary elections, midterm Assembly elections and extraordinary elections of mayors of municipalities, covering the period between 31 March and 19 May 2019. 21 broadcasting channels and radio broadcasters were monitored during the reporting period. During the monitoring process, the Commission election advertising, election debates, news and political programmes, as well as public opinion...

04, 2019

European Council and Communications Commission organise Working Meeting “Media Literacy in Georgia”

June 04, 2019 11:44

To promote media literacy in Georgia, The European Council and the Georgian National Communications Commission organised a working meeting with representatives from state bodies, international organisations, NGOs and scientific circles. This is the first time that a meeting of such magnitude took place on the subject of media literacy in Georgia. The European Council invited media literacy expert and national coordinator for Media Literacy Ireland Martina Chapman to attend the meeting. Ms...

30, 2019

Communications Commission Publishes the 2018 Activity Report

May 30, 2019 11:46

The Communications Commission has published its 2018 activity report. Apart from the significant projects implemented in 2018, the report also talks about the challenges and plans for the following year. 2018 was full of interesting challenges and successes for the telecommunications industry. Authorised entities from the electronic communications sector collected GEL 1,237 million in revenues, compared to GEL 1,220 million in 2017. The number of fixed internet users continues to grow. Internet...

25, 2019

Information Published by the Forbes Magazine about the Falling Broadcasting Revenues is False

May 25, 2019 10:50

Broadcasting revenues are stable and have not decreased as claimed by the Forbes magazine and the agency in the article titled “Television Revenues Have Fallen.” The 2018 data about broadcasting revenues that was published by the Communications Commission was reproduced with errors by the aforementioned media sources. The Commission has contacted the media organisations and asked for the errors to be corrected, but this has not yet happened. We must therefore inform the public...


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