Communications Commission calls on Broadcasters to refrain from airing obscene...
The Communications Commission is calling on broadcasters to refrain from airing programmes that...
Communications Commission: Seven Broadcasters Violated the Law of Georgia on...
Media monitoring carried out by the Communications Commission during the pre-election period found...
Communications Commission Issues Rustavi 2 and GDS TV with Fines of GEL 2500...
The Communications Commission has upheld complaints made by member of the public and issued the...
Communications Commission issues Mtavari Arkhi with a Fine of GEL 58,061.76
The Communications Commission has issued Mtavari Arkhi with a fine of GEL 58,061.76 for repeat...
ComCom Digest for the Month of November
The Communications Commission has published ComCom Digest for the month of November, which...
The Communications Commission Talks about Policy Results and Existing...
What are the existing challenges on the Georgian telecommunications market, what opportunities are...
Cullen International Expert: When there is no longer any Growth in Competition...
“When the telecommunications market is fully saturated, investments have already been made...
Application Period for the “Truth or Fiction?” Contest for Baccalaureate...
The application period for the media literacy contest “Truth or Fiction?” has been...
Television Advertising Revenues increase by 24% during the III Q
Television advertising revenues increased by 24% year-on-year during the third quarter, totaling...
The Communications Commission: In a pluralistic and diverse pre-election media...
The Communications Commission publishes the first qualitative and quantitative interim report...