Communications Commission announces Winners of the “Truth or Fiction?”...
The Communications Commission has held the awards ceremony for another edition of the media...
Up to 1500 Reports disseminated in 5 Months through ComCom Analytics
For the past five months, the Communications Commission has been offering individuals interested in...
Communications Commission receives ISO Certificate for protecting Consumer...
The Communications Commission is an organisation that most effectively fulfils its legislative...
GDS TV fined GEL 5000 for unlawfully broadcasting a Film that is unsuitable for...
The Communications Commission has fined GDS TV GEL 5000 for unlawfully broadcasting a film...
Kakha Bekauri: “We will protect the rights of the viewers to ensure that...
“Today the Commission has ruled that Mtavari Arkhi broadcasted obscenity. The coverage of...
Communications Commission finds Mtavari Arkhi guilty of broadcasting Obscenity,...
The Communications Commission has found Mtavari Arkhi guilty of violating the legislation by...
Kakha Bekauri: “repeated use of obscenity may limit the freedom of expression,...
“Maintaining ethical standards in the media is highly important for the freedom of...
Communications Commission to rule next week on whether the Mtavari Arkhi report...
The Communications Commission has examined the report aired by Mtavari Arkhi on 12 December 2020 at...
Communications Commission issues TV Formula with a Fine of GEL 2500 for...
The Communications Commission has issued TV Formula with a fine of GEL 2500 for violating the Law...
Communications Commission issues Mtavari Arkhi with a Warning for blocking...
The Communications Commission has upheld the complaint submitted by the Political Union of Citizens...