News Archive
02, 2023

ComCom Trains Over 2000 Pupils and 500 Students in Media Literacy in 2022, while the Media Literacy Website...

June 02, 2023 11:10

The 2022 activity report of the Communications Commission reiterates that the goal of ComCom is to raise the level of media literacy among the population. To this end, the Commission has implemented various projects in accordance with best European practices for more than five years.  During the 2022 Media and Information Literacy Week, the Commission held educational activities for school pupils, teachers, parents and university students in Tbilisi and the regions. Representatives of the...

01, 2023

ComCom Facilitates Number Porting for Subscribers

June 01, 2023 15:21

According to its 2022 activity report, the Communications Commission approved new rules for fixed and mobile communication service providers in order to facilitate mobile and landline number porting for subscribers.  Based on the new rules, the subscribers will be able to apply for mobile number porting remotely, without having to visit the service centre of the operator, and receive the new operator’s SIM card at the address of their choice. They will also be able to retain their...

01, 2023

4.1 Million Mobile Internet Subscribers

June 01, 2023 14:38

According to the annual report of the Communications Commission, the number of mobile internet users reached 4.1 million in 2022, which is an increase of 350,000 year-on-year. In 2022, Silknet had the most mobile internet users (1.48 million), followed by Magticom (1.45 million) and Beeline (1.17 million).  The number of mobile internet users in relation to the population of Georgia grows significantly each year. Based on last year's data, it currently amounts to 119%. Between 2018 and...

01, 2023

ComCom Updates the National Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation Plan

June 01, 2023 12:38

The 2022 activity report of the Communications Commission states that ComCom updated the National Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation Plan in order to provide innovative services to users and promote the introduction of modern radio frequency systems in the country. The update is aimed at implementing modern electronic communication services and effective management of scarce frequency resources.  Specifically, the national plan includes new frequency bands for the development of new...

01, 2023

ComCom Starts Holding Informational Meetings with Students about the Telecom Industry

June 01, 2023 11:00

In order to raise awareness among students about the telecommunications industry, the Communications Commission started organising informational meetings in universities. The meetings serve to provide detailed information to young people about the implementation and development prospects for new technologies in this country. As part of the project, the Communications Commission concluded a cooperation agreement with the Georgian Technical University. The agreement was signed by Commissioner...

31, 2023

1.08 Million Subscribers Used Fixed Internet in 2022

May 31, 2023 16:05

Based on the 2022 activity report of the Communications Commission, the use of fixed broadband services continues to grow significantly. The number of subscribers increased by 70,600 year-on-year to 1.08 million, 95.2% of whom are natural persons.  Magticom has the highest number of natural person subscribers (497,000), followed by Silknet (308,000), Akhali Kselebi and Skytel (60,000 each). The remaining 104,000 subscribers are spread between different small and medium-sized...

31, 2023

ComCom Launches a Comprehensive Study of the Telecom Sector in 2022

May 31, 2023 14:43

According to the 2022 activity report, the Communications Commission launched a comprehensive study of the telecom sector together with European experts to remove barriers to entry into the mobile and fixed markets. To this end, the Commission will assess the development capabilities of the sector, accessibility of communications services and competition in the telecom sector, and establish whether there is a need for ex-ante regulation of wholesale markets such as the Bitstream segment,...

31, 2023

According to 2022 Figures, the Number of Mobile Subscribers Exceeds 5.8 Million

May 31, 2023 13:19

In 2022, mobile service market penetration in Georgia increased from 160% to 170%. The number of subscribers over the past 5 years exceeded the 5.8 million mark, compared to 5.5 million subscribers in 2021. This suggests that on average one customer has more than one mobile number and uses the services of different operators in order to get the best deals.  The market share of mobile operators by the number of subscribers in 2022 remained the same as in the previous year: Magticom –...

31, 2023

ComCom Publishes the 2022 Activity Report

May 31, 2023 10:23

The Communications Commission has published the 2022 annual report, which summarises last year’s activities and future plans. The annual report provides an overview of the current media environment in the country, the mobile and fixed service markets, broadcasting and electronic communication trends, as well as media literacy projects implemented by the Commission, and the activities of the Media Academy. The report highlights the cooperation with local and international partners, and...

29, 2023

Media Lab Seminar - “Starting a Startup”

May 29, 2023 11:07

The Media Lab of the Communications Commission held a seminar for budding and future startuppers, titled “Starting a Startup.” The meeting was led by lawyer Gega Abashidze, who shared his international experience and knowledge of legal affairs. Issues discussed during the meeting included the procedure of establishing a company in Georgia, ways of cracking the U.S. market, legal affairs for startups, legal aspects of attracting investment, and others. The Media Lab has been holding...


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