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24, 2020

Kakha Bekauri: “I call on the Director of Caucasus Online and the representatives of the beneficiary company...

September 24, 2020 19:16

“I call on the Director of Caucasus Online and the representatives of the beneficiary company to stop spreading false information. The Communications Commission has been involved in the Digital Silk Road project for the past three years and is working to ensure that Georgia becomes a link between Europe and Asia in this field,” stated COMCOM Chairman Kakha Bekauri at today’s meeting of the Commission. Mr. Bekauri noted that it is also in COMCOM’s interest to successfully...

18, 2020

COMCOM: “Magticom is spreading false information about virtual operators to prevent increased competition on...

September 18, 2020 9:51

Recent claims by Magticom that virtual mobile network operators (MVNO) will pose a threat to personal data and cyber security on the telecommunications market are false. Such statements serve to mislead the public and sections of the media. In reality, the entry of virtual operators on the Georgian market is not associated with any risks. On the contrary, COMCOM decided to allow virtual operators on the mobile communications market in order to make it more liberal and healthy. It has been...

16, 2020

COMCOM Takes Part in the First EPRA Online Media Literacy Conference

September 16, 2020 10:47

Development of media literacy, the existing challenges for media and information literacy, the importance of establishing a unified network and the plans for developing media literacy in Georgia – these are some of the issues discussed by the Head of Media Literacy Department at the Georgian National Communications Commission, Natia Kukuladze, at the recent online meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) member organisations. For the first time, the annual round...

14, 2020

Learn from the Best – Online Masterclass at the Media Academy

September 14, 2020 10:15

The first masterclass for persons interested in journalism has started at the Media Academy, covering topics such as reporting a story, preparing an interview, asking questions, preparing a photo story, as well as working on a filming location or in studio. This is an exclusive project in Georgian media space for those who are thinking of becoming a journalist or simply curious to find out how media content is created. Free online lectures conducted by professional authors will give...

10, 2020

COMCOM and European Commission Organise a Two-Day Training Session for Regional Broadcasters Regarding...

September 10, 2020 10:12

The Communications Commission held a two-day training session for around 20 regional broadcasters regarding the coverage of the pre-election period of the 2020 Georgian parliamentary elections. The training was organised and funded by the European Commission.  ‘The two-day training course “The Election Process: Media Regulations and Pre-Election Coverage Standards” covered topics such as the broadcasters’ obligations under law, issue to be considered when covering...

03, 2020

COMCOM: Obiektivi and Girchi TV broke the law by broadcasting political adverts outside the election campaign...

September 03, 2020 15:45

The Communications Commission issued a warning to Media Union Obiektivi and Girchi TV for political advertising outside the election campaign period and demanded immediate withdrawal of the relevant video clips from the networks. According to the Georgian legislation, broadcasters are prohibited from placing political adverts outside the election campaign period. More specifically, television stations can only start showing political adverts 50 days before the vote. The given case concerns the...

01, 2020

COMCOM Starts Pre-Election Media Monitoring

September 01, 2020 16:37

The Communications Commission has started media monitoring for the 2020 Georgian parliamentary elections, whereby up to 50 broadcasters will be monitored around the clock. The media monitoring process will be conducted in accordance with international standards. COMCOM will regularly publish monitoring reports, presenting both quantitative and qualitative results to the public.     Around 30 personnel will be involved in the monitoring process, examining election advertisements,...

01, 2020

Log-in Georgia – COMCOM to Implement the Digital Service Component of the World Bank Project

September 01, 2020 13:25

Proper use of digital services, development of remote learning and telemedicine, enabling digital financial services and e-commerce, enhancing tourism and entrepreneurship – these are only some of the opportunities created by the development of digital economy for the benefit of the Georgian population. The digital service component of the World Bank’s universal internet access project will be implemented by the Communications Commission. The project will provide 1000 villages and...

01, 2020

COMCOM to Protect Children from Dangerous Materials Online

September 01, 2020 10:00

To protect children and youth from harmful effects online, the Communications Commission has given parents an effective mechanism for reducing online threats. From now on, parents can ask internet providers to restrict access to websites that are dangerous for children. According to the rules determined by COMCOM, websites hosting films, television shows and games must label programmes that are unsuitable for viewing by children and youth under the ages of 18, 15, 12 and 7. COMCOM will compile...

27, 2020

Obiektivi Fined 5000GEL for Broadcasting Programmes in Russian Language

August 27, 2020 18:03

The Communications Commission fined Media Union Obiektivi 5000GEL for broadcasting programmes in Russian language, and instructed it to immediately remove the programmes in question from the broadcasting schedule. The case concerns the political show Kvelas Gasagonad (‘For Everyone to Hear’), which was shown on Obiektivi in Russian language. The programme in question exceeded the length set by COMCOM, as well as it was broadcasted in foreign language without subtitles. According to...


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