ComCom Trains 30 Teachers in Zugdidi as Part of the Project to Integrate Media...
As part of the project to integrate media literacy into formal education, the Communications...
More than 30 Teachers in the Pankisi Gorge Trained to Teach Media Literacy
As part of the project to integrate media literacy into formal education, the Communications...
30 Teachers Trained in Marneuli as Part of the Project to Integrate Media...
As part of the project to integrate media literacy into formal education, the Communications...
“How to Cover Cultural News?” – Media Academy Seminar for Journalists
The Media Academy of the Communications Commission hosted a seminar for journalists and journalism...
Training provided for more than 100 Teachers as Part of the Project to...
As part of the project to integrate media literacy into formal education, the Media Academy of the...
The Project to Integrate Media Literacy into Formal Education will Offer...
The Communications Commission, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of...
Advertising Revenues of TV and Radio Broadcasters Totalled GEL 79.9 Million in...
In 2022, commercial advertising revenues of TV and radio broadcasters totalled GEL 79.9 million,...
Court of Appeals Rejects Nasib Hasanov’s Defamation Claim against the...
The Tbilisi Court of Appeals has rejected the defamation claim against the Communications...
ComCom Holds Training in the Village of Gvara as Part of the Digital Support...
As part of the Digital Support Programme, the Communications Commission has held digital literacy...
ComCom Trains 120 Students on International Safer Internet Day
The Communications Commission has joined the International Safer Internet Day, which aims to...