Communications Commission upholds the Complaint from European Georgia against...
The Communications Commission has upheld the complaint from European Georgia against Imedi TV and...
55% of Listeners Prefer Specialised Radio Stations
The Communications Commission has published the results of its survey on radio broadcasting...
Shorena Shaverdashvili – New Head of the Media Academy
The Media Academy of the Communications Commission has a new executive director. Shorena...
Communications Commission Announced the Winners of the Fifth “Truth or...
The Communications Commission organized the awards ceremony for the winners of the fifth edition of...
Communications Commission issues seven broadcasters with records of...
The Communications Commission has issued the Georgian Public Broadcaster, Adjara TV and Radio...
Communications Commission and the EU have trained more than 100 teachers in...
The Communications Commission, with the support of the EU, has already trained more than 100...
TV Advertising Revenues Grow by 74%, Radio Advertising Revenues by 90%
In the second quarter of 2021, total advertising revenues of television and radio broadcasters...
Communications Commission and the EU Train 18 Teachers in Tbilisi to Fight...
18 teachers in Tbilisi received training as part of the joint project of the EU and the...
24 Teachers in Imereti Region Receive Training in Fighting Disinformation as...
The Communications Commission and the European Union continue implementing a joint project designed...
Communications Commission will Train 500 Teachers to Fight Disinformation
“The Challenge of Disinformation: Developing Critical Thinking in Schools” is the name...