News Archive
15, 2022

Communications Commission to Implement Joint Projects with Kutaisi International University

December 15, 2022 10:46

The Communications Commission and Kutaisi International University will implement joint projects in the fields of digital communication technologies and media literacy. Within the framework of the cooperation, the parties will share internationally recognised educational and scientific resources and hold training sessions, seminars and conferences for students and lecturers with the participation of local and international experts. Joint projects will also be implemented with the involvement of...

12, 2022

ComCom Trains 190 Students in Zugdidi in Media Economics and Safe Use of the Internet

December 12, 2022 15:54

The Communications Commission has trained 190 students of Public Schools N2 and N4 in Zugdidi in media literacy skills. Seminars for the primary and high school students were held as part of the “Media Economics” and “Happy Onlife” projects of the Communications Commission. Similar seminars have already taken place in Telavi, Gurjaani, Zestaponi, Kutaisi, Senaki and Lanchkhuti. Around 1000 public school students have been trained in media literacy skills in total. IX and...

09, 2022

ComCom Presents Competition Trends on the Telecom Market to International Partners

December 09, 2022 12:56

Representatives of the Communications Commission presented the latest regulatory and development trends in the Georgian telecom sector to American and European partners. The participants of the meeting, which was organised by the United States Commercial Law Development program (CLDP), learned about the regulation of competition in the field of broadcasting and electronic communications, the powers of the Communications Commission to enforce competition laws, and the latest trends on the...

09, 2022

252 Students in Senaki and Lanchkhuti Take Part in Media Literacy Projects of the Communications Commission

December 09, 2022 11:05

The Communications Comission continues to train young people in media literacy skills. As part of the “Media Economics” and “Happy Onlife” projects, the Commission held seminars in Public School N1 in Senaki and Public School N3 in Lanchkhuti, where 252 primary and high school students developed their media literacy skills. The media literacy project “Media Economics,” which has been recognised as a successful and effective initiative by EU countries and the...

08, 2022

ComCom Member Natia Kukuladze Opens the Event on Competition in the Telecom Industry

December 08, 2022 11:17

Commissioner Natia Kukuladze opened a three-day event on the subject of “Competition in the Telecom Industry,” which was organised by the United States Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP). Opening speeches at the event were also made by the Political and Economic Counsellor to the U.S. Embassy Michael Honigstein, CLDP representatives Eric Wenz and Nicolette Mena, and the EU-Georgia Twinning Project advisor Justina Paulauskaite. In her opening speech, Natia Kukuladze emphasized...

07, 2022

ComCom Trains More Than 300 Students in Zestaponi and Kutaisi in Media Literacy Skills

December 07, 2022 10:44

The Communications Commission has trained 310 students in media literacy skills. Seminars for the primary and high school students of Public Schools N1 and N4 in Zestaponi and Public Schools N23 and N32 in Kutaisi were held as part of the “Media Economics” and “Happy Onlife” projects of the Communications Commission. As part of the “Media Economics” project, IX and X grade students obtained full information about social media funding sources. They learned...

05, 2022

ComCom Delivers “Hello Ruby” Books to School N150

December 05, 2022 11:19

The Communications Commission has delivered the successful Finnish children’s book series “Hello Ruby,” which has been acclaimed in 25 countries, to Public School N150 free of charge. Up to 116 primary school pupils will use the books Adventures in Coding and Journey inside the Computer, which aim to develop media literacy, critical thinking and analytical skills among the youngsters. The new textbooks were introduced to the children by the school’s IT teacher, who has...

28, 2022

“Disinformation and Ways to Fight It” – Media School Holds a Seminar for Journalists

November 28, 2022 10:36

The Media School of the Communications Commission held a two-day seminar for media representatives and journalism students on the subject of “Disinformation and Ways to Fight It.” The seminar was led by psychologist Rusudan Gorgiladze. During the seminar, participants learned about the phenomenon and different form of lies, as well as the history of information and disinformation. Rusudan Gorgiladze explained the psychological basis of this phenomenon and presented specific examples...

24, 2022

40 More Schools to Use the “Hello Ruby” Textbooks

November 24, 2022 11:10

Primary school pupils in 11 additional schools will learn programming, computer science and code writing using the Finnish book series “Hello Ruby.” The schools in question will receive the books Adventures in Coding and Journey inside the Computer, which aim to develop media literacy, critical thinking and analytical skills among the youngsters, from the Communications Commission free of charge. Earlier today, the Commission trained around 40 teachers in using...

22, 2022

Commissioner Ekaterine Imedadze Discusses Georgia’s Potential as a Digital Hub at the Network Operators’ Forum

November 22, 2022 11:32

The Network Operators’ Forum NOG2022, co-organised by the Communications Commission and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, opened in Tbilisi. The first panel, opened by ComCom member Ekaterine Imadedze, Head of the Department of Communications, Information and Modern Technologies of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Eka Kubusidze, and RIPE NCC Regional Engagement Manager Vahan Ovsepian, was dedicated to the challenge of international...


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