News Archive
24, 2022

ComCom: Dissemination of Stolen Online Content is Against the Law

August 24, 2022 11:59

During the past few years, the Communications Commission has been actively working with stakeholders and various organisations to protect intellectual property rights by removing illegal content from online space. Specifically, the Commission has been intensively communicating with websites that host pirated audio-visual content for more than two years. The Commission gave the website owners two years to bring the content displayed on their platforms in line with the legislation. Eliminating...

23, 2022

ComCom Cautions TV Pirveli and Formula for Unlawful Advertising and Fines Mtavari Arkhi 1% of Annual Revenues

August 23, 2022 17:24

The Communications Commission has issued a written caution to TV Pirveli and Formula for unlawfully broadcasting political advertising outside the election period and fined Mtavari Arkhi 1% of its annual revenues for the same offence. The case concerns the video clip unlawfully aired by the broadcasters on 23 and 24 June. A complaint regarding the advert was submitted to the Commission by the political union Georgian Dream. To determine the status of the advert, the Commission focussed on the...

22, 2022

ComCom Provides Digital Service Training to Librarians in Ozurgeti

August 22, 2022 14:43

The Communications Commission, together with the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, held a training session to promote the use of the internet for employees of 19 village libraries at the Ozurgeti Techno Park. Librarians from the villages of Askani, Bakhvi, Shemokmedi, Dvabzu, Vakijvari, Mtispiri, Dzimiti, Likhauri, Gurianti, Meria, Tkhinvali, Silauri, Natanebi, Shroma, Ureki, Naruji, Laituri and Naghobilevi, as well as the central library of Ozurgeti, were trained under the Digital...

16, 2022

ComCom: The Statement by TV Formula, Mtavari Arkhi and TV Pirveli is Unsubstantiated and Serves to Mislead...

August 16, 2022 12:16

The statement by TV Formula, Mtavari Arkhi and TV Pirveli regarding the Communication Commission’s handling of the complaint by Georgian Dream is unsubstantiated. All decisions taken by the Commission are in full compliance with the legislation. It is therefore baseless to claim that decisions taken by the Commission can threaten media freedoms of speech and expression. The case concerns the legality of broadcast advertising, which has nothing to do with freedom of expression. The...

09, 2022

Advertising Revenues of TV and Radio Broadcasters Totalled GEL 19 Million in the Second Quarter of 2022

August 09, 2022 10:53

In the second quarter of 2022, commercial advertising revenues of TV and radio broadcasters totalled GEL 19 million, which represents a GEL 4.1 million (17.5%) decrease year-on-year. The decline in advertising revenues was conditioned by the new regulations on gambling ads, which came into effect on 1 March 2022. Prior to the regulations taking effect, gambling firms were among the largest advertisers. During the second quarter of 2021, TV and radio broadcasters received more than GEL 4.6...

04, 2022

7th Edition of Media Literacy Contest “Truth or Fiction?”

August 04, 2022 10:55

The Communications Commission has successfully held the 7th edition of media literacy contest “Truth or Fiction?” The jury panel assessed around 100 entries and selected three winners, who received ultramodern prizes from the Commission. The media literacy contest has been held for four years, and has lost none of its relevance. It aims to develop critical thinking, analysis and fact-checking skills among the youngsters. As part of the contest, participants had to identify fake news...

28, 2022

ComCom Revokes the Magtifix Licence upon Request from Magticom

July 28, 2022 15:39

The Communications Commission has granted Magticom’s request to terminate the Magtifix licence. According to the information provided by the company, Magtifix currently has no active subscribers. In March 2021, Magticom had 8969 active CDMA subscribers. Documents submitted by the company show that 8534 subscribers extended their contracts with Magticom but stopped using the Magtifix service, while the remaining 432 subscribers were transferred from Magtifix to an alternative...

26, 2022

ComCom and SpaceX Representatives Hold a Working Meeting

July 26, 2022 11:12

Members of the Communications Commission have held another working meeting with the regional market access manager of Starlink, Ben McWilliams. Starlink, which is owned by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, received authorisation from the Communications Commission to provide satellite internet services in Georgia. On his return visit to the country, Mr. McWilliams met with Commissioner Ekaterine Imedadze and other representatives of the Commission. The Starlink representative informed them about the...

14, 2022

Communications Commission Authorises Starlink

July 14, 2022 15:08

Starlink – a satellite internet service provided by Elon Musk’s company SpaceX, has received authorisation from the Communications Commission, which it requested on 8 July 2022. Starlink Georgia is currently preparing to begin practical operations. According to the terms of the authorisation, SpaceX will provide high-speed broadband services through Starlink in Georgia.  A representative of SpaceX visited the Communications Commission at the end of last month, discussing the...

13, 2022

Integrating Media Literacy into Formal Education – ComCom Launches a New Project with UNICEF and Education...

July 13, 2022 15:26

The Communications Commission, in partnership with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, has launched a new process aimed at integrating media literacy into formal education. The project is being implemented with the financial backing of USAID.  The first stage of the project will consist of research and evaluation of media literacy needs. Together with the Ministry of Education and the National Centre for Teacher Professional Development (NCTPD), the Commission will...


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